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September 2019


Carbon revenues for a just energy transition

Discussions on carbon pricing tend to centre on whether we should implement it and, if so, how high prices should be. But this is only one half of a crucial issue. The other half is ensuring we spend the money wisely. A holistic approach can help with the transition to clean energy, advance social justice and mitigate climate change. Strategically investing carbon revenues into energy efficiency programmes can pave the way for achieving these goals.



Distribution grid planning for a successful energy transition: Focus on electromobility

Industry experts expect a flood of electric vehicles to connect to the German power system in the coming years. The existing grid can accommodate this change without a considerable increase in investment. A study (in German) by Agora Verkehrswende, Agora Energiewende and RAP found that — with the right policies — Germany can finance the electrification of its transport sector through network charges and the increase in electricity demand, without driving up electricity prices for consumers.



EFEX 2019

Join us as the Energy Future Exchange hosts a celebration and call to action on 24 September in Brussels. The event shines a spotlight on the role of the EU and United States in creating a clean, climate-friendly energy future. In the keynote address, Dr. Jan Rosenow will explore the pivotal role of energy efficiency in the broader energy transition.



18th ERRA energy conference

ERRA, the Energy Regulators Regional Association, invites energy sector stakeholders to its annual conference in Riga, Latvia. This year’s agenda covers the latest trends and developments in the industry and its regulation, with sessions focusing on the energy transition and decentralisation as well as the role of natural gas. RAP’s Zsuzsanna Pató will provide recommendations for addressing the challenges of integrating variable energy sources into the power system.



EVs are a lot like water heaters – really!

Worried that EVs will add difficult and expensive load to the power grid? RAP offers a soothing comparison to a more familiar electric appliance: water heaters. Both have similar usage levels and patterns and can be harnessed to make the grid run cheaper and cleaner.

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