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March Newsletter

Hi everyone, and welcome to the March edition of our newsletter.

This newsletter is going to focus on what is on everyone's mind: COVID-19. Let's get one thing straight first - we are going to get through this, and we are going to get through it together!

AAT/ACCA/CIMA are at this point still planning for exams to go ahead as usual. The run up to exams may look different from previous sittings, and we will let you know further information as we get it.

This isn't a rallying call, but as the inevitable self-isolating takes a hold, we need to think about how we look after ourselves and how we look after others around us.

This newsletter will touch on this.

Working from home.....

We will probably all find ourselves working from home more and more over the coming weeks and possibly months, so it is important to have some ground rules.

I have come across a huge number of tips over the years, but these are the ones that have helped me:

  • Create a dedicated space for work, ideally a room where you can close the door

  • Build a work routine - have a set start time and a set finish time

  • 15 mins before your finish time, create a prioritised list of the things you have to do - these become your tasks for the following day

  • Get dressed for work. It helps me to work, in work clothes

  • Make sure you take breaks, and if possible get out of your home (garden etc) just for 2 mins

  • Keep in contact with the office

One or more of these might work for you, and if they do great.

Feeling a part of something.....

I believe that we all benefit from feeling a part of something. A sense that we are all in it together, and everyone understands what we are going through.

Our Online Learning Community was created to help foster a collective environment where all individuals studying for professional accountancy exams could come together.

I would urge you over the coming weeks and months to get online, say hello and become part of the studying collective!

We will also be running a series of drop in online surgeries, where anyone can log in to say hello and just generally chat about how they are getting on - look out for these in the main chat room.

Helping each other.....

This is one thing I know we are all good at.

I am always seeing HTFT students helping each other, with bits of advice, support and encouragement.

We need, during these times, to do more of this.

Thank you for your continued support, and please let us know where we can improve - HTFT Partnership

Useful resources


ACCA have a purpose built exam resources site, where students can find past papers and technical articles


ACCA run regular Exam Window surgery webinars that you may want to register for


ICAEW key resources - they are not just limited to ACA students!


Regular updates, thoughts and general ideas to support your studies


AAT’s Code of Professional Ethics sets out five fundamental principles which all AAT members must comply with


CIMA/Pearson Vue question tutorials


CIMA regularly schedule and run regional events for student members and members that often support CPD

COVID-19 updates




Upcoming HTFT Courses

ACCA (Resit into June 2020)

Performance Management (F5)

Taxation (F6) 

Financial Reporting (F7) 

Audit and Assurance (F8)

Financial Management (F9) 

Strategic Business Reporting (P2) 

Strategic Business leader (P1&3) 

Advanced Financial Mgt (P4) 

Advanced Performance Mgt (P5) 

Advanced Tax (P6) 

Advanced Audit & Assurance (P7) 

All start after ACCA March exam results (13th April)


CIMA F1 - 25th March

CIMA F2 - 31st March

CIMA F3 - 7th April

Have a great month and if you have any questions please let us know - HTFT

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