Dear all,
We hope you, your family, and your community are doing well as they could be.
During such a difficult time we are happy to invite you and teams from your regions to the new event - Rescue Virtual Simulation Competition
Competition description:
Following the June 23-25th Workshops, the RoboCupJunior Rescue League and the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League are going to host a simulation demonstration competition virtually. The competition will be run based on the RoboCupJunior Rescue Simulation (Demonstration) Rules 2020*. All teams under 19 years old as of July 1st 2020 are invited to this demonstration competition.
Between Webots and CoppeliaSim, the Webots Platform was selected to be used for this demonstration competition. All relevant documentation (including recordings from the workshops) for the Webots platform can be found here. Furthermore, you can join the discord channel here to engage in discussions and ask questions to the developers. There will be subsequent software update releases to the current Webots Platform (expecting the next update in a week or two) - which will be announced on the RCJ Official Forum.
Expected format of the competition:
Prior to the competition day, the organisers will run each team’s robot controller code.
On the competition day: We will live stream a video of each team’s code execution, following a predefined schedule. Each team’s run will be preceded by its one minute team introduction video. The schedule will be released before the competition day. Throughout the competition, scores for each team’s code execution will be reported on this web page. Final results will be announced after all code executions are complete. Links to each video will also be accessible online within a couple of weeks after the competition.
Certificates of excellence will be awarded by the RCJ Rescue League to the outstanding teams. Details of the demonstration competition can be found on this RCJ Rescue Website. Please forward any questions or concerns to us through the forum, and technical issues through forum / discord channel.
Dates and deadlines:
- Sign up for participation deadline:
Friday, September 4th, 23:59:59 PM UTC
Friday, September 18th, 23:59:59 PM UTC
Saturday, September 26th, time TBD
Submission details:
Each team must complete a quick form (To be announced) to indicate the participation to this event before submitting.
Finally, each team participating in the event must submit their code, accompanying version document, and a short video ( < 1min) introducing their team to be played during the competition live stream.
The version document should include the teams programming language which was used + its version, and all libraries + their versions. This is critical in order to run each team’s code successfully on the organiser’s computers. The short video does not need to contain footage of the teams and can be of a technical focus. Each team must sign a consent form which will be supplied by us.
Important Quick Access Links:
Form to sign up for participation to the event (To be announced)
Any question you would like to ask in private, contact this email
* Differences to the rule:
We will not be using a client-server configuration, but asking teams to send their code to run it on the organisers’ computers.