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Archive of HPA Newsletters re COVID 19:

COVID 19 videos and background documents on global plans saved at the HPA site:

The HPA Newsletter: Sign up here for the newsletter:
Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!

If you want to really understand the COVID COUP, then look at our COVID Information Page where all the documents and videos that explain the actual entire agenda they have laid out publicly and openly is shared with all of you. The media refuse to share any of this with you!

Please copy the documents and videos and send them to others who are being brainwashed and indoctrinated with outright lies.

A confidential source has told us that the PCHETA Bill is unlikely to pass in the Congress. So, for those of you who contacted your lawmakers, thanks for helping to stop that terrible Bill!


COVID Fatalities are likely 90% lower than reported! Here's why:

If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower,
How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening?
By H. Ealy, M. McEvoy, M. Sava, S. Gupta, D. Chong, D. White, J. Nowicki, and P. Anderson   JULY 24, 2020 


Here's the 2nd video from the American Frontline Physicians Press Conference on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court

Frontline Physicians Aim to Dispel 'Massive' COVID-19 'Disinformation Campaign'
July 27, 2020 America's Frontline Physicians
(full-length 3 hour conference video with physicians from around the country)


There are consequences if the left is wrong about Hydroxychloroquine
They cite consensus that isn't there and science that is unproven. But they have the nerve to play politics with people's lives
by Lorie Wimble    July 29, 2020


As we've mentioned before, the way the public uses masks (whatever version they have) is absolutely ridiculous! We see people who have no clue about how to use these and that is understandable since "they" are not instructing people how to do so (though we did in a previous newsletter).  They wear them under the chin, under the nose, not cleaned, touched by fingers that have touched whatever is around, and then place their fingers in their eyes or mouth.  This is nuts!

Taboo Question:
Are Face Masks Spreading the Coronavirus?
Written by  Selwyn Duke   29 July 2020


Sweden sees coronavirus cases drop, after controversially avoiding lockdowns
Its actions give credence to the freedom championed by conservatives rather than the safety defended by liberals
By Frank Miles  July 28, 2020  Fox News


Law that prohibits discrimination against you for not wearing a mask due to a medical condition:

Georgia: Man Tests Mask Policies At Kroger
– Informs About The Law – This Is What We Need More Of Today! (Video) and law listed
Tim Brown /  July 29, 2020


Multiple vaccine doses could be necessary to protect from coronavirus, Bill Gates says


One Nation Under House Arrest:
How Do COVID-19 Mandates Impact Our Freedoms?
By John W. Whitehead    July 29, 2020


White Paper on Hydroxychloroquine from America's Frontline Physicians:

This is the culmination of months-long research from all sources. It explains how Americans have come to be in the grip of fear. All the myths and all the misconceptions about a safe, generic drug [Hydroxychloroquine] that has been FDA approved for 65 years, given to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, children, the elderly and the immune-compromised for years and decades without complication, are finally put in the trash heap where they belong.

You will have the indisputable proof that you have been massively lied to, often very intentionally. At first you will first be heartbroken. And then you will be furious. Good. Because then you will demand change.


The Digital Passports needed to freely live in society are coming.  Employers, government, and others may require smart phone apps to be used to prove you have been vaccinated!

Security ALERT:
Immunity passport technology gaining traction and raising serious ethical concerns
by Sara Middleton    July 7, 2020

COVI-PASS  Digital Health Passport

and other articles by Ron Panzer are located at:

If you wish to see changes in our healthcare system, please help us in our mission! Please donate to the all-volunteer, non-profit Hospice Patients Alliance

We don't receive grants or any aid from anyone but you! We do this so that we can remain independent and uncensored by any other influences.

We need your help!

If you wish to help volunteer with the projects we are working on, let us know and please feel free to write to us with any questions or comments.


All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341