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Archive of HPA Newsletters re COVID 19:

COVID 19 videos and background documents on global plans saved at the HPA site:

The HPA Newsletter: Sign up here for the newsletter:
Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!

Please copy the documents and videos and send them to others who are being brainwashed and indoctrinated with outright lies.

It's amazing that there is so much to cover every day, and we can't cover it all, but we are sharing what the major media (including so-called "conservative" media) refuses to even mention at all!

The major media are not reporting this, but

COVID-19 is close to losing its epidemic status in the U.S., according to the CDC
The percentage of coronavirus deaths in the country has been declining for ten straight weeks.
By Daniel Payne    July 14, 2020


They are arguing that you have No Choice!
That Vaccines be Forced upon you!
That has been the globalists' plan all along.

New England Journal of Medicine:

Re Mandatory Vaccination:
Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
Michelle M. Mello, J.D., Ph.D., Ross D. Silverman, J.D., M.P.H., and Saad B. Omer, M.B., B.S., M.P.H., Ph.D.
June 26, 2020     DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2020926


Free E-book from 3 physicians that presents the actual detailed evidence from several scientific studies that show Hydroxychloroquine is a cure for COVID 19 (technical):

Medical Studies Support MDs Prescribing Hydroxychloroquinefor Early Stage COVID-19 and for Prophylaxis
By Vladimir Zelenko, M.D., Harvey A. Risch, M.D., PH.D., George C. Fareed, M.D.  2020


'Masks-for-all for COVID-19 Not Based on Sound Data'
By Lisa M Brosseau, ScD, and Margaret Sietsema, PhD & CIDRAP
July 23, 2020

"Dr. Brosseau is a national expert on respiratory protection and infectious diseases and professor (retired), University of Illinois at Chicago.Dr. Sietsema is also an expert on respiratory protection and an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago"

"In summary, though we support mask wearing by the general public, we continue to conclude that cloth masks and face coverings are likely to have limited impact on lowering COVID-19 transmission, because 

  • they have minimal ability to prevent the emission of small particles, 
  • offer limited personal protection with respect to small particle inhalation, 
and should not be recommended as a replacement for physical distancing or reducing time in enclosed spaces with many potentially infectious people

We are very concerned about messaging that suggests cloth masks or face coverings can replace physical distancing. We also worry that the public doesn’t understand the limitations of cloth masks and face coverings when we observe how many people wear their mask under their nose or even under their mouth, remove their masks when talking to someone nearby, or fail to practice physical distancing when wearing a mask."


Coronavirus: The Hidden Danger Revealed by Del Bigtree
JULY 22, 2020      BY TIM BOYD

"... Del Bigtree has repeatedly given the pro-vaccine crowd a simple formula for shutting him up. Just do the study. Do the study comparing the health of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Do a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Do just one and he’s done. He personally asked the head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other experts to do the study. The answer was, “We will never do that study.”


People are forgetting what we shared back in February and March about how to detect an infection early so you get treated in time. Here is what doctors and nurses know:

from HPA Newsletter 2/22/20: 

 These coronaviruses and others are affecting the lungs (and other organs) but one of the main major symptoms is lung function decreasing, shortness of breath due to respiratory infection leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome with pneumonia.

People ask what can be done to prepare?

Having working thermometers (whatever you wish to use but quick reading thermometers will be more convenient) are necessary to gauge what is happening in a patient.  In one way, more importantly, and not mentioned in the news, is what doctors and nurses look at even more when dealing with respiratory function:

Obviously, if you have a stethoscope to listen to the lungs that's helpful. If the sounds at the bottom are difficult to hear and you could hear them before there, that may mean that there's pneumonia developing (fluid/secretions blocking airflow there).

Especially, get a Pulse Oxymeter that measures the oxygen saturation of your blood and also shows your pulse instantly!  If your oxygen saturation drops from its normal, it shows a serious condition: either your lungs aren't doing their best job (because they are filled with fluid or other problems) or there is something else seriously going on.  

People debate what numbers to get concerned about, but when O2 Sats drop below 92 or 90%, we start to get worried and take action to correct the situation. Healthy people will be 95% and above.

Below 90 to 85% and things are serious and a physician would definitely need to be consulted and patient examined (sometimes by tele-medicine if fear of infecting others is preventing a physical visit to an office). Below 85% and you would be in the emergency room or need to be treated some way! If you get down to the 60-70% range and nurses and doctors start to freak out. Below 45% and you're at risk of dying but with immediate intervention, depending on the circumstances, healthcare professionals sometimes save patients and bring them back up.

Health care staff monitor patients' oxygen levels and other vital signs. When there is a significant change from the patient's normal (not others' normal), then we need to get more guidance from a physician. 

Paper surgical masks reduce somewhat the likelihood of someone who is infected spreading it to others.  An N-95 facial mask can prevent the inhalation of a virus (they will sell out fast and are sold at places like Lowes, etc or online) but must fit properly (no beard hair to interfere with the seal, for example).

Nevertheless, we're all going to get exposed eventually.  Quarantines cannot stop this because the virus has already gone beyond the point where authorities could trace the route of infection.

People with no symptoms are "out there" spreading this without knowing it (which is normal for the flu and other viruses initially, but this virus has a lengthy period where people may have no symptoms and later develop more noticeable symptoms.). People need to do whatever they can to improve their immunity so they can withstand this virus and recover well.

It is absolutely certain that all of us will eventually  be exposed and some will have few symptoms.  The idea that they can stop the spread of this virus (or any other after it's let out of "Pandora's Box" into the global community at large is just ridiculous! 

COVID 19 will just be another virus "out there" but if it really is bio-engineered (and everything is pointing toward that that I've read), then its effects are unknown. Its effects towards animals and people in the long run is unknown. In fact, most people don't have severe symptoms. We know that for sure. That's why it is spreading so easily. If people who get it all died, they wouldn't be spreading it as easily or as unsuspectingly.


from HPA Newsletter 3/31/20:

If you are mildly sick or asymptomatic (which will be the case for most people), you won't need any cure. Your body's immune system will handle this all by itself.

The problem is that if you need a cure, you already have to be moderately to severely sick and that is dangerously ill!  If you get sick but don't realize it right away and then go into the hospital, damage may already have been done to the lungs, heart and other organs.

Many who recover regain normal function, but some may have damage that is permanent.  That's why we wish to minimize the "cytokine storm" and inflammation that occurs with these respiratory infections by taking certain supplements that minimize these damaging effects. 

This is also why we want to detect any infection very early! How do we do that?  Nurses and doctors always want to know what "the normal" is for each patient.

In other words, some of us will have a regular temperature of 98.6, some lower, some a little higher for various metabolic reasons. The same with regard to our normal blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation.

Parents need to know what their child's normal is! And everyone needs to know what their normal is.  These are called our "Vital Signs."  Temperature  T   Pulse  P   Respiratory Rate   R    Blood Pressure   B/P and Oxygen Saturation Level   O2 sat 

T    P    R    B/P    and    O2 sat 

Each person in every family should know what their normal is. In this situation, we should monitor regularly if we think we've been exposed, or we feel any differently from normal.  Write these down while you are healthy so you have a reference to compare with new readings later on. 

A few weeks ago, we mentioned getting a "Pulse Ox" or pulse oximeter which are available at most pharmacies and many grocery stores with pharmacies.  If you don't have one, get one or have someone pick one up for you. 

This virus is a respiratory virus. If something is going on in your lungs, the pulse oximeter will quickly tell you.  And yes, you should have a thermometer (some are no-touch and you simply point it at your forehead. The pulse oximeter will also tell you what your pulse rate (heart rate) is.

Blood pressure cuffs are available that are automatic and battery operated if you don't have a regular cuff and stethoscope to determine your B/P. If your normal oxygen level is 97% or 98% for example, and it drops by 2% or more, then that is significant!  If your temperature goes up by 2 degrees and stays up, that is significant!

If your heart rate is regularly, and continually faster or much slower than your normal, that is significant! If your respiratory rate gets quicker (more breaths in a minute) and you need to breathe more rapidly for extended periods of time, that is significant! If your blood pressure drops (or elevates) and stays at that higher or lower level than your normal, that is significant!  If any of these occur, you need to contact your physician to report these changes.

These are the ways you would "catch" an infection before more noticeable symptoms arise. Remember, this infection can  exist without symptoms for a few days, so we are "asymptomatic," without some or all of the classic symptoms such as fever, body aches, shortness of breath, and coughing. 

Also, and you may not have heard this: If you experience digestive issues such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, these also may be signs of the virus infection!   Recognizing early signs of infection are important!"


Senator Rand Paul, MD:
Lockdowns Were A ‘Big Mistake’
"We've crippled the economy..."
By  Paul Bois    Jul 22, 2020


Dangers of:
CDC Guidelines for Going Back to School in 2020
by Dr. Joseph Mercola    July 23, 2020


The Digital Passports needed to freely live in society are coming.  Employers, government, and others may require smart phone apps to be used to prove you have been vaccinated!

Security ALERT:
Immunity passport technology gaining traction and raising serious ethical concerns
by Sara Middleton    July 7, 2020

COVI-PASS  Digital Health Passport

and other articles by Ron Panzer are located at:

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All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341