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Archive of HPA Newsletters re COVID 19:

COVID 19 videos and background documents on global plans saved at the HPA site:

The HPA Newsletter: Sign up here for the newsletter:
Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!

Please copy the documents and videos and send them to others who are being brainwashed and indoctrinated with outright lies.

To make sure everyone gets this, here is a comparison of nation by nation case fatality rates comparing those nations that used hydroxychloroquine with those who did not. The graph makes something very clear.  Look closely.

On the left are those nations that did not use Hydroxychloroquine at all. In the middle are nations with mixed usage, and on the right are nations that widely used Hydroxychloroquine. 

With Zinc and Azithromycin it is one of the cures for covid 19 when given early:

Nations' Case Fatalitiescompared by HCQ use or not  

Graph posted by Twitter user "GummiBear737"


Mask Truth Part Two:

Well, we have to think back several months now to remember what we were thinking then when the "experts" (Fauci and others) told people both that "masks are not effective," and then told people that "masks are effective" and "you MUST wear a mask" or you will be prosecuted!

I can guarantee you that back in January and February, just about 100% of the physicians and nurses and other health care workers were only thinking that N-95 masks or higher level masks would be used to prevent the wearer from inhaling viral particles to prevent infection.

None of us would ever have thought about cloth masks or even paper surgical masks being used and re-used day after day.  It is completely contrary to the standard protocols that have been used as "standard precautions" required to be followed in health care settings and that are known to every physician and nurse (and others).

These N-95 masks protect the wearer of the mask, not those around. The mask filters the air coming in, but not out.

And I can guarantee that if "they" had suggested back in January or February that cloth masks were "effective" at preventing an infection, "they" would have been laughed off the podium (wherever they were speaking) and shamed as buffoons and ignoramuses and incompetents.

No professional healthcare worker would normally ever, ever use a cloth mask in any healthcare setting as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). It would never, ever be done!

When Dr Fauci tells the public now that cloth masks are effective, he is straight out lying through his teeth. When he and others say that "masks" (what type of masks are left undefined) prevent the spread of COVID 19 infection, they are knowingly lying by omission!

  What they know, and what they are not saying, is what was explained in the last newsletter: 
  • N-95 masks only protect the wearer.

  • Cloth masks are either almost worthless or worse than worthless.  They don't really filter viral particles, don't fit perfectly, allow air in around them and therefore do not protect the wearer or those around.

  • Paper surgical masks provide some reduction in spreading viral particles to OTHERS but do not protect the wearer of the mask! (There is too much air inhaled around them and they don't fit perfectly. They are NOT made to filter air coming IN!) These masks are used to reduce the pathogens breathed out onto a sterile field or patient from the workers who might breathe pathogens out.

  • Paper surgical masks are intended to be used ONCE per patient and then discarded and if used for more than one patient, or for us, in more than one setting, are not going to protect others (if we are infected and breathing out viral particles).

So, when Governors or any others require that "Masks must be worn!" their orders are nonsensical, are not based on science (though they claim that), and do not guarantee anything!  The orders do not specify what type of masks people must wear. 

If people all wore N-95 masks that were fit perfectly, the wearers of those masks would be more (not 100%) protected from acquiring an infection.

If people all wear paper surgical masks, then the spread outwardly to others may be reduced somewhat, but the wearers of these masks are NOT protected from viral particles in the air since the mask allows air to breathed in around the mask and the mask is not made to filter viral particles coming through the mask itself!

If people wear cloth masks, nobody is really protected much at all and some may be gathering pathogens in the mask if they are not washed every day.

If people wear all sorts of masks, those wearing the N-95 masks (that fit perfectly) would be protected from others spreading pathogens, however those wearing paper surgical masks or cloth masks would not be protected from anything.

Conclusion: The Mask Orders are Based on Fraud and Deception and are Not Based on Medical Science at all!

What do the Mask Orders do? 

They intimidate the people, help to make us fearful of others, divide us, make us suspicious, isolated, unable to communicate and network with others as easily, make the environment socially hostile and cold and depressing, lower our oxygen levels and in many cases actually harm us physically to some extent (even healthy individuals will be harmed after prolonged mask wearing!), and make us MORE susceptible to infection if mask wearing is prolonged and our oxygen levels are reduced.

So, why are they ordering everyone to wear masks? (See the above).  The gradual introduction of successively more authoritarian levels of governmental control of the entire population is planned and has been planned for decades. This is what they are doing right now. 

What is being done to you and me is similar to what the Nazis first did to the Jews as they first started labeling them as "problematic," the source of their economic woes, disease carriers, etc. Then they were required to turn in their guns (yes, they had guns for self-defense).  Then, they were required to be identified (the yellow Star of David patches they were forced to wear) and  weren't allowed in certain buildings, and then were segregated into the ghetto where only Jews were corralled.

We (human beings who exist on the Earth) are considered "problematic" simply because we exist. This is not an exaggeration or simplification. This is really what "they" believe.

The Depopulationists (Bill Gates (father and family), the United Nations, World Economic Forum, and others) do wish to drastically reduce the world population (while of course, they won't reduce their own existences!).

Our own "Star of David" patch equivalent will be the Digital ID that is already being rolled out in some parts of the world. All of us will be required to prove our immunity (even though the COVID 19 pandemic is about the equivalent of a bad flu and we never did any of these things before and survived just fine).

We will all be required to have "immunity passports" that show that we are immune and have been vaccinated. Yes, mandatory vaccination laws have been passed in some localities and the "Emergency Powers" that arise out of the un-Constitutional "National Defense Authorization Acts" "Emergency Declarations" allow the government to force people to be vaccinated or to forcibly quarantine or isolate them!  Yes! That is real!

President Trump has stated that he will have the U.S. Military ready to distribute the vaccines.

Why would the military be necessary? Normally, the US Public health systems have distributed vaccines to hospitals, clinics, doctors throughout the nation and have never used the military.  This virus is not at all as lethal as some others that our nation's people have experienced.

Why the military?  Many believe that the military will be used, because the vaccinations will be mandatory for everyone. That is what is planned by Bill Gates, the United Nations, The Rockefeller Foundation, the World Economic Forum, and other globalists/depopulationists.  See our COVID 19 information page for proof:

And, all of these draconian governmental actions taking place globally, in every nation, are based upon a global fraud!  The numbers of infections and deaths are very much inflated in order to "justify" their actions.


Mac Slavo    July 16th, 2020


Spiro Skouras   July 18, 2020


Some are fighting back against the worthless mask orders. Those with medical conditions that make mask wearing more harmful are asserting their rights under federal and state laws.  Michigan, for example, has been forced to allow some to go without masks for medical reasons (even though every day Michigan residents are indoctrinated with the belief that "mask wearing saves lives!"

Re Medical Exceptions to Mask Orders:

Department of Civil Rights Cautions Businesses to Comply with Federal and State Disability Laws When Enforcing Face Covering Requirement
Contact: Vicki Levengood  Agency: Civil Rights 
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  No. 295 – July 17, 2020


No vaccine is Needed! 
There are cures; there are therapies that prevent and improve our health. It is a global crime against humanity that the people have not been treated with these curative methods:

COVID-19   How can I cure thee?
Let me count the ways.
by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD


Must read exposé!

The Clown Cars Are Fully Loaded
and Dr. Fauci's Is Leading the Parade
By David Stockman   July 18, 2020


The Digital Passports needed to freely live in society are coming.  Employers, government, and others may require smart phone apps to be used to prove you have been vaccinated!

Security ALERT:
Immunity passport technology gaining traction and raising serious ethical concerns
by Sara Middleton    July 7, 2020

COVI-PASS  Digital Health Passport

and other articles by Ron Panzer are located at:

If you wish to see changes in our healthcare system, please help us in our mission! Please donate to the all-volunteer, non-profit Hospice Patients Alliance

We don't receive grants or any aid from anyone but you! We do this so that we can remain independent and uncensored by any other influences.

We need your help!

If you wish to help volunteer with the projects we are working on, let us know and please feel free to write to us with any questions or comments.


All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341