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Archive of HPA Newsletters re COVID 19:

COVID 19 videos and background documents on global plans saved at the HPA site:

The HPA Newsletter: Sign up here for the newsletter:
Please share the information with others! We will get through this together. Thanks!

Please copy the documents and videos and send them to others who are being brainwashed and indoctrinated with outright lies.

Ok. Enough already!

Here's the Mask Truth:

Cloth masks have never been proved to prevent any viral infection, so orders that "everyone wear a mask" does not assure the safety of anyone.  Cloth masks are about as effective in preventing a viral infection as an open garage door 100 feet tall preventing an SUV from driving in.  It's ridiculous!

So, all those people who think their cloth masks are doing anything significant are being deceived. It might prevent phlegm from a cough from being spread onto someone else but tiny droplets are still going to get out.  Anyone who is self-righteously thinking they are doing the right thing and mask refusers are "evil" are just deceived and the authorities know that these masks are basically worthless or worse.

Why would these cloth masks be worse than worthless? One reason is that many people just use the same cloth mask, breathe into it and germs or viruses build up on them, and they don't wash them after each use. they just stick them in their pocket or the back of their car seat and use it over and over. It's a breeding ground for pathogens and doesn't prevent anyone from breathing in viral particles.

What about those paper Surgical Masks?

Okay, so doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals have used this type of mask to prevent them from spreading pathogens onto a sterile field when doing a procedure or surgery. 

Paper surgical masks are not perfectly fit to your face and there are gaps on the sides and above and below even if you pinch the metal piece above the nose to make the mask cling tighter to your face.  If there are viral particles/droplets in the air and you breathe in, these masks will NOT stop you from breathing them in!

They are meant to prevent YOU from spreading a pathogen onto a sterile field (which does NOT exist out in the open, in a store, or wherever you are normally).

In addition. we NEVER ever normally use these paper surgical masks over and over!  They are meant to be used once for a patient ... ONE PATIENT, and then discarded.  If we enter a new patient's room, we use a new mask after washing hands, etc.  We don't use it for one patient and then go into another patient's room and then throw it in the back of the car seat  for the next day!

If you are using this type of mask and then re-using it from one day to the next and going in and out of various stores or buildings or meeting people, then the paper mask is contaminated with moisture from your breathing, does not filter what YOU are breathing out onto others, and certainly does not protect you from what is out in the air around you!

And the authorities know this, yet they demand you wear "a mask."  What mask? When? How?  None of that is explained or required. It's ridiculous!

What about N-95 Masks (and better)?

Okay.  N-95 masks are used not to protect the patient from the doctors' or nurses' pathogens, but to protect us from the patient's infection!  In Isolation rooms where infected patients are placed, there are normally signs that say, "Stop!  PPE required!" And what Personal Protective Equipment is needed is stated right there on the door.

For some patients, an N-95 mask would be required alone with a paper gown, gloves, and more, .... sometimes a face shield, sometimes a full body suit, and for worse cases, a full body suit with a self-contained air supply.

N-95 Masks that you wear do NOT protect others! They protect YOU from what is being breathed in. They only help if they are fit properly.  Anyone with a beard wearing an N-95 mask is not protected!  N-95 masks that are not perfectly fit to your face are worthless, because (just like the paper surgical masks) you are breathing in around the mask whatever is in the air.

In addition, we do NOT wear N-95 masks for one patient and the go from room to room from patient to patient with the same mask. Under normal conditions, staff would use the mask, DISCARD IT, and then wash hands, and then get a new mask and gloves, etc for the next patient.

Now, staff are re-using the same mask for different patients, sometimes they are being "sterilized" and re-used day after day for weeks on end! This is ridiculous!  It causes risks to the patients and to the healthcare staff, but that's what they are doing.

So, if you wear a cloth mask, nobody is protected.

If you are wearing a paper surgical mask, they don't fit perfectly and minimally protect others from your coughs, but are not that effective and were never meant for use in public!

If you are wearing an N-95 Mask perfectly, you may be protected from others.  Others around you are not protected from you if you are breathing out viral particles or other pathogens.  They don't filter what is going OUT! They filter what is going into the lungs of person wearing the mask!

So, the mask orders are ridiculous and not scientifically based.  When they tell you to "Follow the experts!  Listen to the Scientists!  Wear a mask!" It's baloney!  They know it's baloney.  They know what is written above. It's a fraud being perpetrated upon the people of the world.


Now, to get to the new mRNA COVID 19 vaccines being rolled out:

The new vaccines have NEVER ever been used before and will re-engineer YOUR DNA changing what God has designed us to be and permanently change us to what "they" have decided to do to us.  "They" have no idea how much damage they will do to us, but they know there will be many who are harmed.

Bill Gates admitted that about 1 in 10,000 of those vaccinated will suffer from serious adverse effects (videos available online... just search for it).  Since the entire Earth's population is intended to be vaccinated according to "their plan,"  with 7.8 Billion people, there would be over 700,000 people seriously harmed by the vaccines!

So, more people would be directly harmed by the vaccines than are projected to die from COVID 19.

But what about the vaccine's effects themselves?  This is an mRNA vaccine that would direct your cells to produce the virus's proteins forever (supposedly with the intent that your body would then create antibodies to those proteins and make you immune to the virus). 

Why would anyone ever want to allow their own God-given DNA to be changed forever?

Why should we allow "them" to re-make us into Transhumans?  

The new vaccines genetically re-engineer you!

Listen to Dr Carrie Madej, D.O. (Board Certified in Internal Medicine) explain what terrible harms will result from this new type of mRNA vaccine and much more.  We have mirrored (copied) this video from her Youtube channel since Youtube is removing accurate information as soon as they discover it's uploaded there. 

Urgent information on mRNA Covid Vacc!ne
Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O.  June 25, 2020


Children Have 0.00% Chance of Dying from COVID but are Harmed for Life by Social Distancing, Which has its Roots in CIA Torture Techniques
Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News from Facebook video uploaded by California Civil Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas  July 17, 2020


As we have reported months ago, COVID 19 is almost impossible to have originated from animals without mankind's genetic manipulation. There are many reasons it could not arise naturally.  Here is another explanation why:

Nobel Laureate Calls COVID-19 Manmade
by Dr. Joseph Mercola   July 17, 2020


This is what hospice administrators are worrying about now:

Hospice Providers Wrangle with Barriers to Expanding Advance Care Planning
By Holly Vossel    July 8, 2020


Health Officials in Numerous States ‘Mistakenly’ Included Positive Results From Antibody Tests When Reporting New COVID-19 Cases to CDC
By Cristina Laila    July 17, 2020


Renounce Christ or Lose Government Assistance, China's Low-Income Christians Are Told
Michael Foust  July 17, 2020


The Face Mask Placebo
By Bill Sardi   July 17, 2020


The Digital Passports needed to freely live in society are coming.  Employers, government, and others may require smart phone apps to be used to prove you have been vaccinated!

Security ALERT:
Immunity passport technology gaining traction and raising serious ethical concerns
by Sara Middleton    July 7, 2020

COVI-PASS  Digital Health Passport

and other articles by Ron Panzer are located at:

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We don't receive grants or any aid from anyone but you! We do this so that we can remain independent and uncensored by any other influences.

We need your help!

If you wish to help volunteer with the projects we are working on, let us know and please feel free to write to us with any questions or comments.


All healthcare must be pro-life, otherwise it is not healthcare!

Ron Panzer
for Hospice Patients Alliance

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Hospice Patients Alliance, Inc. | 4680 Shank Street, NE | Rockford, MI 49341