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LAB BOOK Newsletter


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Whole-mount bacteria on grid. Arrowheads demarcate flagella labeled with 10 nm gold.
Immunogold Labeling Application Notes Now Available

Check them out! We’ve added two new application notes to our repository, covering pre-embedding (en bloc) and post-embedding (on grid) immunogold labeling for TEM:
  • AN605:Automated Pre-embedding Immunogold Labeling for TEM
  • AN606:Automated Post-embedding Immunogold Labeling for TEM Grids 
Thanks to Dr. Ru-ching Hsia and the Electron Microscopy Core Imaging Facility at University of Maryland, Baltimore for their work developing these automated techniques.


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NIH Grant Funding Available for Instrumentation

The NIH’s Basic Instrumentation Grant (BIG) Program encourages biomedical research support applications to purchase a single high-priced, specialized, commercially available instrument or instrumentation system. The minimum award is $25,000 with a maximum of $250,000.

The BIG Program is a great opportunity to fund the purchase of an mPrep™ ASP-1000™ and get all the benefits of automated specimen and grid processing in your lab. Let us know if you need ASP-1000 information to apply for this funding!

Application deadline: June 1, 2021


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New mPrep™ Packaging
You may notice mPrep™ packaging updates on your next order of capsules or filter-couplers. Based on customer feedback, the mPrep/s, mPrep/g, and mPrep/f30 packages have been color coded to make them visually distinct and easier to discern on the shelf. Additionally, the paperboard capsule storage boxes and labels have been discontinued.


M&M 2021 Will Again Be Virtual
The M&M 2021 Conference, scheduled for Aug 1-5, will be virtual.

Due to ongoing health concerns around COVID-19, availability of the COVID-19 vaccine, and global and organizational travel restrictions, MSA and MAS have converted M&M 2021 into a virtual meeting. We hope to “see” you there.

Microscopy Innovations LLC

Creating 21st Century EM Lab Products to Accelerate Science

213 Air Park Road, Suite 101, Marshfield, WI 54449

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