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LAB BOOK Newsletter


Video Presentations Highlight Advances in EM Specimen Prep

Thanks to the M&M2020 organizers and attendees for a great conference again this year—in spite of the pandemic!

In case you missed our M&M presentations, you can still check them out:


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3DEM of Brain Tissue Using Rapid Automated Preparation
Join us for a webinar on automating serial block-face SEM (a type of 3-dimensional electron microscopy—3DEM) biological specimen preparation for neurological tissues.

Speaker: Emily Benson, Senior Research Technologist,
           3DEM Ultrastructural Imaging and Computation Core,
           Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Date: Thursday, Oct 22, 2020
Time: 11am CT

Benson will describe rapid, automated specimen preparation, where she reduced a 4-to 5-day manual process to a 7.5 hour automated process, including 100% resin infiltration.

Submit your questions during the webinar & get real-time answers!



For a close-up view of these unique masks, check out our social media posts! LinkedIn, Twitter,and Facebook

EM-Inspired Facemasks are a Hit
Six winners were randomly drawn from attendees who registered at our M&M 2020 virtual booth for a chance to win a custom-made, microscopy-inspired facemask. Winners, who supplied their EM image of choice, are:
  • Kimberly Backer-Kelley, University of Florida
  • Leslie Cummins, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Caressia Edwards, Fayetteville State University
  • Janet Gbur, Case Western Reserve University
  • Hillary Guzik, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Naomi Kamasawa, Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience
Congratulations winners, and thanks to everyone who participated!


Extra Set of Hands ... When You Need It Most
The mPrep ASP-1000 offers a workaround for those with limited lab access, continuing to process biological samples while you work from home or on other projects. The ASP-1000 provides minimal specimen handling, consistent processing procedures, and quantitatively and qualitatively comparative results to manual prep. You can even set up a webcam on the instrument to monitor its progress.

Now’s the time to schedule your virtual ASP-1000 demo!

Microscopy Innovations LLC

Creating 21st Century EM Lab Products to Accelerate Science

213 Air Park Road, Suite 101, Marshfield, WI 54449

Phone +1 715-384-3292 | |

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