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April Newsletter

Hi everyone, and welcome to the April edition of our newsletter.

This newsletter is going to focus on sharing with you what we know in relation to Professional Body exams, and resources that we have come across that might help during the current situation.

We are tremendously proud of all of you and the resilience you are all showing.

Stay safe.

Professional Body updates


AAT took the decision on the 22nd March to suspend all exams, which means that no exam centres are allowed to book/host exams for AAT students.

The most recent information we have from AAT is that they are aligned with the Government strategy, which most likely means that it is going to be June time until it is possible to sit AAT exams.


Crash course in Excel

Future of Finance

AAT have also created a COVID-19 Resources page, which you can visit here.


As all ACCA students will know, the session-based CBEs scheduled for June have been cancelled, and the on-demand CBE exam centres are closed during the lockdown.

The ACCA are exploring alternatives for the on-demand CBEs, and as soon as we hear anything we will let you know.


ACCA have created a couple of pages on their ACCA Global site:

Useful resources to help students

Useful resources for working and wellbeing

Exam support resources


The CIMA Professional Qualification will be available for remote testing from May 2020.

Students will be able to sit their Case Study or Objective Tests from home from the 04 May, and schedule from 22 April. Test delivery is currently suspended at the Pearson VUE-owned and operated Professional Centers (PPCs) in many countries, including throughout the UK.

CIMA have created a FAQ page on their website, that contains all of the most recent information. You can access this page here: CIMA FAQs

Helping each other.....

This is one thing I know we are all good at.

I am always seeing HTFT students helping each other, with bits of advice, support and encouragement.

We need, during these times, to do more of this.

Thank you for your continued support, and please let us know where we can improve - HTFT Partnership


Useful resources


ACCA have a purpose built exam resources site, where students can find past papers and technical articles


ACCA run regular Exam Window surgery webinars that you may want to register for


ICAEW key resources - they are not just limited to ACA students!


Regular updates, thoughts and general ideas to support your studies


AAT’s Code of Professional Ethics sets out five fundamental principles which all AAT members must comply with


CIMA/Pearson Vue question tutorials


CIMA regularly schedule and run regional events for student members and members that often support CPD

COVID-19 updates




Upcoming HTFT Courses

ACCA (into Sept 2020)

Performance Management (F5)

Taxation (F6) 

Financial Reporting (F7) 

Audit and Assurance (F8)

Financial Management (F9) 

Strategic Business Reporting (P2) 

Strategic Business leader (P1&3) 

Advanced Financial Mgt (P4) 

Advanced Performance Mgt (P5) 

Advanced Tax (P6) 

Advanced Audit & Assurance (P7) 

All available now

Have a great month and if you have any questions please let us know - HTFT

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