We’re in this life, on this earth for a blink in the time of the Universe. This blink is your moment to BE- to create the Life you desire. What do you want to express or create with your time here?
I know, I do NOT want to be a part of the fear or hatred, but of the hope and lifting of consciousness.
In this upside-down sideways world I continue to ask: What can I say to inspire Hope and lift the Spirit of others?
First- YOU matter! The energy you express effects the whole. If you’re a stay at home parent, the love for your family creates more love for all. If you’re a remote worker, seeing your smile on a screen is sometimes all someone will see for a day- but they’ll feel your kindness and maybe pass it on to another.
It doesn't matter what you do, but the Energy you do it with. What you express goes out in the world and will come back to you. So continue to give out what you want to receive. Sometimes it'll come back in ways you’d never imagine!
This time we have on Earth is a miracle. The body we live in is a miracle. Take care of it, love yourself, and expect more miracles!